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Guided Selling System

Sales Productivity Check-Up

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Effective selling is absolutely a critical skill that must be developed.

Sales performance is one of the cornerstones of nonprofit success. All things considered, sales revenue is essential to “keep the lights on” and maintain vital programming. The better trained your sales team is, the better the results will be for your entire organization.


Preparation is THE difference maker.

Performance will improve when your nonprofit provides tools that get salespeople ready to deliver their best. Fundamental skills training helps aspiring salespeople increase their confidence and develop necessary skills to succeed. Next-level skills training helps seasoned salespeople to continue growing and become even more effective. Ongoing reinforcement training ensures that all your salespeople are following your sales guidelines and aligned with your organization’s goals. Ignoring the need for training leads to:

  • Lost opportunities – the undetectable thief.
  • Meager, inconsistent or flat production.
  • Sales staff turnover.
  • Supervisor frustration.
  • Lack of funding for your initiatives.


A quick fix may be all you need.

You have a good system in place and your team is strong. However, you also know that with a few tweaks your team can go to the next level. Holman Brothers offers a wide variety workshops designed specifically for chamber, association and nonprofit salespeople and managers. Our workshop timeframes, content and structure are all flexible based on your specific needs and situation. Highlights include, but are by no means limited to:

  • Professional telephone skills.
  • Prospecting with a purpose.
  • Pipeline development.
  • Uncovering and managing objections.
  • The art and science of bonding and rapport.
  • Relationship building.
  • Loyalty and retention.
  • Investor upgrades.
  • The trial close.

Don’t see the topic you need? Don’t worry, we have a lot more. Drop us a note or give us a call (619) 852-1391.


Sometimes a customized approach is the answer.

It’s time for change and you need customized training that fits your specific situation. Holman Brothers can get to know your organization and do the work for you. We’ll study your unique offerings, ideal investor profile, sales strategy and goals. Why? Because it’s the only way to ensure that your new training will seamlessly integrate with your unique systems and procedures. The information gathered will be utilized to identify gaps in your salespeople’s’ skills and abilities. You’ll receive a made-to-order blueprint of targeted fundamental skills training necessary to meet your exact requirements.

  • Custom-tailored to your specific circumstances - no wasted time with generic content
  • Personalized training adapted to your team.
  • Targeted fundamental skills necessary to improve and correct skills and ability gaps.
  • Behavior-based improvements and time management.
  • Salespeople benefit from a process that creates consistent outcomes.
  • Increased confidence.
  • Needed guidance on process, strategy and goals.
  • • Better results!


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