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Selling System Checkup 




Guided Selling System

Sales Productivity Check-Up

Training & Development

Performance Management

Hiring & Firing

Compensation Plans

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Consider this before you blow up your sales department.

Nonprofits tend to get nervous and often overreact when they face sales production challenges. After all, sales are the lifeblood that drives your mission. Before you hit the panic button, consider an unbiased third-party review of your sales process to identify which strategies and activities actually work and don’t work. In most cases, the issues and recommended fixes are far less daunting than feared. The professional feedback you receive will always be considerably less expensive and far less risky than radically changing your strategy without a clear direction.


There is never a wrong time to conduct a sales productivity check-up.

Even when sales are up, continuous improvement should be the goal of every nonprofit sales team. The information discovered during an in-depth third-party review serves as a catalyst for achieving even better results. The process requires an unbiased assessment of your organization’s successful sales efforts and operating practices through impartial standards. The objective is to fully understand your current processes; provide recommendations to improve ROI; and deliver the roadmap to take your sales operation to the ‘next level’.


Uncover opportunities to make your sales efforts more effective.

Holman Brothers can adeptly conduct an unbiased analysis of your unique sales environment and provide a comprehensive evaluation of your sales process and operating practices. We will affirm your strengths, pinpoint limitations and recommend a plan-of-action to increase productivity and improve results. Our Sales Productivity Check-Up encompasses an in-depth analysis of seven key drivers of sales success:

  • Strategic Objectives: Do your salespeople have a clear idea of the types of opportunities they should be pursuing and why?
  • New Business Development: Is the appropriate structure of tactics, messaging, tools and resources in place for your salespeople to generate leads and successfully produce the required results?
  • Solution Viability: Are the memberships, sponsorships and investment opportunities you offer presented in terms of the business problems they solve?
  • Performance Measurement: What key measurables are utilized to keep your salespeople accountable, forecast results, assess performance and determine the specific training and counseling needs of individual salespeople?
  • Salespeople Compensation: Does your compensation plan consist of the right configuration of drivers that motivate your salespeople to produce results that are aligned with organizational goals.
  • Hiring and Firing: Do your hiring practices identify new hires that fit your system and culture? What are your procedures to cut ties with underperformers?
  • Professional Growth: What training and education resources are available to help your sales people enhance their performance and improve their results?


Your sales productivity check-up is your roadmap to:

  • Improve process and generate more sales.
  • What you can do to improve your sales results
  • What you can do to improve your sales ROI.
  • Operational excellence.
  • Outcomes that have real financial benefits for your organization.
  • Saving time and the anguish of trial and error attempting to pinpoint and make the right fixes.
  • Maximize every aspect of sales and operational responsibilities.
  • Breakthroughs on sales performance and production.


We're Easy to Talk With, Contact Us Today! 

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