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Tracking whether your salesperson made their number isn’t good enough.

Quota achievement is without a doubt the ultimate sales measurement. However, it is the equivalent of a pass or fail grade that overlooks essential data required to manage performance. Quota achievement is the culmination of a series of tasks and activities that guide prospects through the sales cycle. They are the key performance indicators (KPI) of future sales results. The primary focus of performance management is to identify the KPI’s needed to track salespeople’s activity levels. The resulting data is utilized to assess performance and provide targeted assistance and training.


When it comes to sales effectiveness, managers need to consider the tasks, not just quota.

When sales management is unclear about the necessary tasks, salespeople will lack focus and devote too much attention on non-sales activities. Measurable day-to-day workflow holds salespeople accountable. Measuring workflow is also instrumental to forecast results, manage performance and determine the specific training and counseling needs of individual salespeople.


It is essential to measure sales activity to assess performance and coach improved results.

Performance management measurables focus your salespeople on activities that produce results. Holman Brothers can review your unique sales process and develop your performance management system for you. We’ll identify the correct balance of quantitative and qualitative KPI’s that empower you to assess and manage optimal performance. Solution includes:

  • Assistance implementing your performance management system.
  • Customized sales activity report template for salespeople to update and review.
  • Sales leader coaching on how to analyze the data to assess, coach, council and improve your salespeople’s performance.


Remove the guesswork from sales management.

  • Sales performance benchmarks extrapolated from your unique sales strategy and goals.
  • Accurately track, manage and forecast sales performance in real-time.
  • Essential process to logically and systematically boost salesperson performance.
  • More efficient and productive salespeople focused on priority driven activities.
  • Real-time data to identify and implement pertinent course corrections for salespeople.
  • Nimble enough to change course quickly and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  • Upgrade from a revenue maintenance model to a revenue growth model.
  • Superior long-term results.


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